Execution of UXO risk mitigation – offshore

Phase 4: Execution of UXO risk mitigation
REASeuro offers specialists with extensive experience in detection and clearance of explosives, using the most advanced detection, interpretation and approaching techniques.
Furthermore, our clients are relieved in both onshore and offshore environments, with REASeuro providing solutions, quality, and safety above all else.
Detection of UXO
The presence of (possible) explosives is determined by performing a detection of soil or seabed, and the interpretation of the measurement data. We do this using the most advanced techniques in the field of real-time and non-real-time detection. We deploy side-scan sonars, multibeam echo sounders, magnetometers, and metal detectors, using remotely operated tow vehicles (ROTV’s), divers and any other means to literally and figuratively map out your (work) area and assess risks. After detecting an object, we proceed to approach relevant data by determining the exact location and depth of a detected object.
Approaching potential UXO
When approaching, the exact berth and depth of detected objects are determined. The object is uncovered and identified by excavating by hand or with the support of specialist equipment including ROTVs, divers and dredging equipment.
Identification of UXO
After the object has been approached, the assessment is made whether it is UXO, what kind and the state it is in. Potential risks are determined, which is the basis to ascertain the various options to (temporarily) secure the explosive on-site. REASeuro offers offshore UXO storage facilities and contacts with national explosives disposal services. In addition, REASeuro has the means to detonate UXOs on-site.
Veilig stellen & afronden
Na detectie en identificatie worden eventuele risico’s bepaald en zijn er op basis daarvan diverse mogelijkheden om het explosief (tijdelijk) veilig te stellen. Wij hebben de beschikking over offshore UXO opslagfaciliteiten en goede contacten met nationale explosieven opruimingsdiensten. Daarnaast beschikt REASeuro over middelen om UXO’s ter plaatse te laten detoneren.