For more than 20 years, REASeuro offers solutions for all issues where explosives are part of the challenge. This applies to both conventional and improvised explosives, and both advisory and operational.
Education & Training
At REASeuro, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) training courses focus on theoretical and practical preparation for safe, effective and efficient handling of activities in the event of bomb letters, bomb threats, bomb threats or the actual discovery of any explosive. Our experts provide various training courses to a wide range of (inter-)national companies, local / regional / national governments, but also to fire brigade, ambulance and police personnel.

Advice & Implementation
In addition to our educational program we offer advice and operational execution through, among other things, preventive and targeted searches, the use of explosives detection dogs, support in the event of an emergency, intelligence, review of security plans and the like. We strive to offer concrete security plans by means of a thorough analysis of threat assessments and processes, history and modus operandi of threats.
In conjunction with our client, REASeuro establishes whether an organization is well prepared and equipped for calamities surrounding suspicious objects, with the safety chain as guideline. Within our company and network we have many security professionals with extensive experience in the police force, Royal Marechaussee, military, et cetera.
Workshops & Presentations
In addition to customized training, REASeuro can provide lectures, seminars & workshops in the field of IED incidents. Depending on your needs, the content, duration and group size are composed in mutual consultation.
REASeuro always and only works with qualified and experienced specialists for the composing and giving presentations.