Historical Research

Phase 1: Historical Research
Our advice department has extensive experience in conducting historical research by gathering data, assessing and evaluating factual source information in order to obtain an overview of the historical (military) situation within your project area. The key objective of the historical research is to determine if any Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) may still be present on your project site.
The research performed by REASeuro historians and civil engineers conforms to the highest quality standards. The academic level of education of the staff working at our Advice Department, combined with consultancy from our own Senior Explosive Experts result in the production of a comprehensive report and detailed desktop survey, producing a high reliable reflection on possible UXO presence in future projects areas.
Since the start of its operations REASeuro has built up and developed an extensive database containing factual information such as aerial photographs, literature, reports and charts. We have to opportunity to visually disclose this information through our custom-built Geographical Information System (GIS4REAS).